
Sunday, February 3, 2013

DIY- Photo Canvas

I'm pretty much obsessed with taking pictures and cheap home decor.  Why not combine the two by making homemade photo canvases?

I happened across 4 free canvases to use. I made my first one in the summer of 2012 and made my second one in January 2013.  I'm using them to decorate the wall above my TV =]  It looked a little bare at first, but I'm working on it!  I sat down and completed one while watching a movie, so it takes about 1.5 hours (maybe less... I bet the movie distracted me some!)

Anyways, this is how I made mine!

Printed photos, on white paper
Mod Podge
Sponge brush to apply Mod Podge. 

Step 1:  Gather supplies. I usually arrange my photos in a Microsoft Word document and print them in black and white.  It helps to choose various sizes of pictures.  Also, I printed assorted black and white patterns to put in awkward sized spaces.  If you have trouble with this, contact me and I'll do my best to help! =]

Step 2: Cut out your photos and arrange them on top of your canvas to ensure they will fit.  Make sure they can wrap around the edge of your canvas so you don't have tacky white spots showing =]  If it gets tricky with some pictures, you can always add a different picture to cover the canvas edge.

Step 3: Begin gluing your pictures to the canvas.  (I like to leave the edges kind-of loose in case I mess up and need to slide another picture under it later)

Step 4: Once you have your canvas covered, apply a layer of mod podge to seal it.  Make sure to get all of your seams between pictures and edges!
I laid mine one top of a board game box so the edges could dry without getting and glue residue on carpet.  Do whatever works for you!

Step 5: Let it dry and you should have a simple, personalized photo canvas to decorate with!

Now I need to find time to complete the other two! 


  1. Where the pictures printed on printer paper or photo paper?

    1. I used regular printer paper. Cheaper and easier to work with than glossy photo paper =]

  2. Photo Canvas Collage prints are the ideal way to display lots of your stunning images without buying
    masses of bulky picture frames or cluttering up the house. With the use of smartphones and readily
    available digital cameras, we have become a nation of amateur photographers, using Instagram to
    capture our favourite moments. Out of this we now have some incredible photographs we are sure to
    treasure forever; the problem is there are just too many of them, making the task almost impossible when

    choosing images to display in our homes
